Rudy Giuliani has been an outside but influential player in the 2020 election and a longtime ally of President Donald Trump. But supporting Trump appeared not to be a family-wide decision and Giuliani’s daughter penned an editorial this week asking Americans to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris.
In a Vanity Fair editorial published on Friday, Caroline Giuliani wrote that she saw the “cruel, selfish politics that Donald Trump has now inflicted on our country” and said that she wanted to run away from it, but she continued, “Running away does not solve the problem. We have to stand and fight. The only way to end this nightmare is to vote. There is hope on the horizon, but we’ll only grasp it if we elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”
Caroline Giuliani wrote that during her childhood, she continuously argued about politics with her father, writing, “It was disheartening to feel how little power I had to change his mind, no matter how logical and above-my-pay-grade my arguments were.”
Throughout the editorial, she references the polarized and seemingly helpless state of American politics. She writes, “I imagine many Americans can relate to the helpless feeling this confrontation cycle created in me, but we are not helpless. I may not be able to change my father’s mind, but together, we can vote this toxic administration out of office.”
Caroline notes that she supported Hillary Clinton in 2016. She says that she’s supporting Joe Biden because, “In Joe Biden, we’ll have a leader who prioritizes common ground and civility over alienation, bullying, and scorched-earth tactics.”
She also wrote that she did not support Biden during the primaries but asked other progressives to reconsider if they are planning to sit out from voting or to “cast a symbolic vote.”
On Twitter, Carolina Giuliani plugged her article, writing, “I may not be able to change my father’s mind, but TOGETHER, we can vote this toxic administration out of office.”
"I may not be able to change my father's mind, but TOGETHER, we can vote this toxic administration out of office."
— Caroline Rose Giuliani (@carolinerosegiu) October 15, 2020
-Me ??
I wrote a thing. Please vote for @JoeBiden to save this country!!
Her father Rudy Giuliani has made himself a major figure in the 2020 election even as the U.S. government has said that one of his allies is an active Russian agent.