A former member of the defunct House committee charged with investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol took a jab at conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, but it did not go over well.
On Wednesday, Carlson spoke out publicly for the first time since his ouster from Fox News in a video posted on Twitter.
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) reacted to the video with derision, writing in a tweet, “The world will move on, bye bye Tucker. Don’t let the door hit ya.”
The world will move on, bye bye Tucker. Don’t let the door hit ya https://t.co/qNtlWXdIy3
— Adam Kinzinger #fella (@AdamKinzinger) April 27, 2023
Writer Pete D’Abrosca tweeted, “Funny, this is what we said when you ‘retired’ from Congress.”
Funny, this is what we said when you “retired” from Congress.
— Pete D’Abrosca (@pdabrosca) April 27, 2023
Another person with the username ITGuy wrote, “Bookmark this tweet for when [Tucker Carlson] is pulling Rogan level viewers.”
Bookmark this tweet for when @TuckerCarlson is pulling Rogan level viewers. https://t.co/zaomGkptXx
— IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) April 27, 2023
Conservative commentator Dan Bongino tweeted, “If he only knew.”
If he only knew. ??
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) April 27, 2023https://t.co/BwtgB2G6lL
Check out some more reactions below:
Immature man child not worthy of any serious consideration insists on demonstrating why. https://t.co/SETLpNocG8
— Ron Pyle (@rreactor) April 27, 2023
This guy generates at least one bad take every day. https://t.co/suEUyWX7Pp
— Jean-François Gariépy ? (@JFGariepy) April 27, 2023
It’s kinda funny that Kinzinger is so jealous. https://t.co/HCzIu9RDAR
— FreedomKat1974 (@FreedomKiki28) April 27, 2023
Sure moved on from you quickly. https://t.co/CV9kdKieg3
— Perry Joslin (@PerryJoslinFL) April 27, 2023
The missed irony of your tweet coupled with your complete lack of self-awareness is actually really funny lol https://t.co/WGMikAxAYV
— Anthony Sisk (@AnthonyJSisk) April 27, 2023
42 million ….. only door will hit him is the bank vault . https://t.co/Oav9g0YHsj
— JRobinson (@Jrsports14) April 27, 2023
Fan or not… methinks Tucker is going to continue to be very relevant while Adam will continue to be a "one-trick pony…" bashing anything Republican or conservative.
— Jason Scalese (@jason_scalese) April 27, 2023
Not only did the door hit Adam on the way out, but it locked itself shut. https://t.co/icy28znqzd
As of right now, Tucker’s tweet has 55 mm views and the video message has 16.7mm views. Tucker has 6.5mm followers, picking up roughly 500,000 post Fox.
— Frank Lilly (@FrankLillyPM) April 27, 2023
This guy has less than 900k followers, yet acting like he’s the influencer. So many of these people have no shame. Amazing. https://t.co/DeyJGpphlS
Kinzinger declined to run for re-election in 2022.
In December, Carlson took aim at the congressman in an opinion article titled, “Goodbye, Adam Kinzinger… an example of what a man can be when he stops trying to be a man.”
“Speaking of how it will all end, how’s it going to end for Adam Kinzinger? Well, we suspect it will end like it began, in anonymity. In just weeks, Adam Kinzinger will be another CNN contributor. No one will ever see him again, but we will never forget him,” the article read.
It added, “Kinzinger will live forever in our hearts as an example of what a man can be when he stops trying to be a man and unleashes the emotionally fragile, divorced, single mom within. ‘Have another glass of chardonnay. Listen to me cry.’ Yes, Ms. Kinzinger, we will… Au revoir, Adam Kinzinger. See you at SoulCycle.”