A Democratic congresswoman from California believes President Donald Trump is promoting “violence” so the U.S. ultimately ends in a “civil war.”
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) made the conjecture Thursday at the Congressional Black Caucus, Mediaite reported.
“I’m worried that Trump is on the edge of creating a civil war,” she started. “He alluded to it more than once. He alluded to the fact that if he did not get reelected, that there could be a civil war.”
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She said it was up to the people to stop this from happening and invoked Martin Luther King.
“You know what responsibility that places on us. It places the responsibilities on us to live and do, like Doctor Martin Luther King told us to do,” she said. “He taught us to organize and to protest, but he taught us nonviolence. He taught us nonviolence. That was the center. That was the core of his message. And we live with that all the time.”
The financial uncertainty of many agencies are causing some of the strife, she added.
“No matter how upset we can get, no matter how angry we can get. We live with what we’ve been taught,” she added. “And now this president is putting us in a position where hungry people are going to be on the street, where nonprofits who were waiting for their checks are not going to get them, where seniors waiting for their Social Security check will not get it – where poor families with children will not get what they believe the government has agreed to do.”
Waters said the likely outcome will be for Americans to turn against each other.
“And so when that happens, what does Trump expect? Oh, I believe he expects violence,” she said. “I believe he expects confrontation. I believe he’s working toward a civil war.”
This is not the first time Waters floated her theory of a possible second civil war. That was reported in many outlets, including The Western Journal.
“I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they’re going to attack,” she said in May.
“Not only are they planning on a civil war if they have to do that, but he’s spelling it out – how and what they’re going to do and how he’s going to get revenge, how he’s going to attack his enemies,” she added.