‘Not Good Enough,’ Warren Says of Bloomberg’s Non-Disclosure Agreement Pledge by Reuters February 23, 2020 22 "That's just not good enough."
U.S. National Security Adviser Denies Russia Boosting Trump Re-election by Reuters February 23, 2020 11 "I have not seen that."
Iran’s Enemies Tried to Use Coronavirus to Impact Vote: Khamenei by Reuters February 23, 2020 0 "This negative propaganda about the virus began a couple of months ago."
Twitter Suspends Group of Pro-Bloomberg Accounts Over ‘Platform Manipulation’ by Reuters February 23, 2020 3 "We took enforcement action on about 70 accounts."
Maxine Waters Suggests Gang Members Have ‘More Integrity’ Than Trump by Meaghan Ellis February 22, 2020 28 Rep. Maxine Waters is coming after Trump again.
Bloomberg Agrees to Release Three Women From NDAs After Increased Pressure by Meaghan Ellis February 22, 2020 0 Bloomberg has responded to the scrutiny surrounding his former female employees' NDAs.
Gowdy Says No One ‘Thinks That Russia Prefers Donald Trump to Win Over ‘Comrade’ Sanders’ by Madison Summers February 22, 2020 4 "I don’t know anyone who really thinks that Russia prefers Donald Trump to win over ‘comrade’ Sanders."
Bloomberg’s Camp Says Vandalism at Office ‘Echoes Language’ of Sanders’ Campaign by Sanette February 22, 2020 5 “Authoritarian,” “Classist” and “Oligarch.”
Nevada Caucuses Present New Test to Democrats After Chaotic Iowa Contest by Reuters February 22, 2020 3 Here is how the Nevada caucuses work.
California Rejects Trump Effort to Cut off Federal Funds Over Abortion by Reuters February 22, 2020 5 "For decades Californians could choose whether or not they wanted abortion-free health insurance coverage until California took away that option."
Trump’s Son Gets Permit Allowing Him to Hunt Alaska Grizzly Bear by Reuters February 22, 2020 4 It comes down to "pure chance, luck of the draw."
U.S. Officials Tell Democrat Sanders Russia Is Trying to Help His Campaign: Washington Post by Reuters February 22, 2020 6 "My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections."
Bloomberg Gets Hit With ‘Four Pinocchios’ for Manipulated Debate Video by Alex Thomas February 21, 2020 7 Bloomberg earned criticism for sharing an edited video from the presidential debate.
Russia Denies Backing Trump Re-Election, Critics Express Alarm by Reuters February 21, 2020 18 "These are more paranoid announcements which, to our regret, will multiply as we get closer to the (U.S.) election."
Trump Says He Is Eyeing Four Candidates for Intelligence Chief by Reuters February 21, 2020 0 "Four great candidates are under consideration at DNI."
DNC Chair Perez Says He Can’t Promise Same-Day Results for Nevada Caucus: ‘Our North Star, Again, Is Accuracy’ by Bradley Cortright February 21, 2020 5 "We’re going to do our best to release results as soon as possible."
Trump Mocks Oscars Over ‘Parasite’ Win, Slams Brad Pitt During Campaign Rally by Meaghan Ellis February 21, 2020 20 Trump made it known he isn't a fan of "Parasite" or Brad Pitt.
Intelligence Officials Warn Congress of Russian Interference in 2020 by Isaac Saul February 21, 2020 3 Trump was reportedly not happy about the briefing.
New York Times Takes Heat After Publishing Op-Ed Written by Deputy Leader of the Taliban by Bradley Cortright February 21, 2020 2 "Siraj is no Taliban peace-maker as he paints himself.
Warren Brings Document to Urge Bloomberg to Release Former Employees From NDAs by Meaghan Ellis February 21, 2020 0 "Transparency here is important."