Police in India arrested a man on Thursday, accusing him of murdering his wife and young daughter by releasing a snake into the bedroom while they slept. Investigators believe K ...
Alleged victims of the man dubbed "Canada's Jeffrey Epstein" are speaking out. In an interview with The Sun published Friday, two anonymous women said Canadian business magnate Robert Miller manipulated ...
A judge locked up a TikTok prankster who developed a reputation for posting rude, harassing and even dangerous videos to the social media platform and then refusing to take any ...
One of the European nations best known for its cuisine has rejected a "novel" addition to its tables: so-called "cultivated" or "lab-grown" foods, including meat. "Italy is the world's first ...
Sometimes it's not only OK to quit. Sometimes it's necessary. That's what some female athletes in England did when they learned they were going to have to play against a ...
A reporter who is currently working for NBC News was arrested in Jerusalem last week for allegedly praising Hamas and celebrating the terror group’s Oct. 7 terror attacks on social ...
Fox Corp. Chairman Lachlan Murdoch traveled to Kyiv over the weekend to meet with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. News of the visit was first reported Monday morning by Axios and ...
They began by going after the Jews. Now they continue by kicking the Christians in the teeth. If ever there was a sign of forced participation or unilateral thought and ...
Israel released a video Wednesday showing weapons and other military equipment a spokesman said were found in Gaza's largest hospital. The Israel Defense Forces announced the targeted raid of the ...
President Joe Biden greeted Chinese President Xi Jinping, the leader of the nations most Americans now name as the greatest threat to the United States, with a warm, two-handed handshake ...