Most people who take a DNA test do so because they have questions and are curious. Where do they come from? Do they have family they don’t know about?
Services like 23andMe or AncestryDNA are especially valuable to people who have big question marks on one or both of their parents’ sides, because they don’t know much or anything about their biological parents.
One young woman from New Jersey who goes by the name izzyvn_98 on TikTok says she recently had more of a revelation regarding her heritage than she really even wanted.
She posted a video on Sept. 19 about what she says her DNA test results have led to.
She explained it began years ago when she got a test done, since she and her two brothers, triplets, were born in November 1998, a result of her mother using a sperm donor.
When matches started reaching out to her, she found out she had far more siblings than she knew.
“In 2018 I did an ancestry DNA test to see where I’m actually from,” the text on her video reads. “I get my results back and find out I’m not as Italian as I thought.”
In a follow-up video she explained that her initial results came back as 48 percent Italian, 22 percent Eastern Europe/Russia, 20 percent The Balkans, 4 percnt England/Northwestern Europe, 4 percent Greece/Albania and 2 percent Germanic Europe.
But that wasn’t the shocking part.
“I get a message from a random woman asking if I’m related to a specific person or family [because] I matched with her daughter and I said no,” she continued in her first video.
“So then she asks if I was a [sperm] donor baby [because] her daughter was too and now I’m freaking out [because] she could be my sister [because] I am a donor baby.
“The donor’s half sister then matches with me and dms me saying other mothers who used the same donor, and their children are part of a private FB group, and that I should join too.
“I join the page and turns out there over 50 of us who are siblings and children of the same [sperm] donor… and we’re all different ages.
“And now there’s paranoia about overpopulation because some of them are afraid there are so many of us, we may end up dating someone who happens to be a sibling.”
It’s certainly not an issue most people have to deal with — but for Izzy, it feels like a very clear and present danger.
She later shared that this information was “overwhelming” and she hasn’t really been interested in getting to know any of her half-siblings.
The video has been watched over 853,000 times, and many have responded to her conundrum.
“I feel really uncomfortable,” she said of the whole situation. “It’s a really abnormal thing.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.