An Alabama woman has two uteri — and now she has a baby in each one.
In an interview with Fox News Digital, Kelsey Hatcher, 32, spoke about her unique pregnancy. She discovered she had a double uterus at the age of 17. This is known as uterus didelphys which only affects 0.3% of women, according to Cleveland Clinic.
“I was having some minor complications that led us to set up an OB appointment, and upon examination and ultrasound, they discovered it,” she said of her rare congenital condition.
Now, 15 years later, the fitness model, who had conventional pregnancies with her last three children, was shocked to find out she was pregnant with twins during her eight-week ultrasound. Both babies are in separate uteri.
“As the tech scanned and said everything looked great, I confirmed, ‘There is only one, right?’” Hatcher shared. “She smiled and said yes, so I took a breath and relaxed.”
Hatcher continued, “But I then told her, ‘I’m not sure if it’s on my chart, but I do have a second uterus, just so you aren’t alarmed.'”
While the ultrasound tech scanned the other uterus, Hatcher was surprised by what she saw.
“She didn’t even have a chance to speak before I blurted out, ‘Oh my goodness, there is another one!’” she recalled.
Hatcher said she remembered being in “utter shock” about the discovery.
“All I could do was laugh,” she said. “I immediately called my husband, Caleb, to tell him, as he was not at the appointment with me. He and I just laughed together.”
Hatcher’s obstetrician Shweta Patel, M.D., assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of OBGYN, spoke to Fox News Digital about Hatcher’s pregnancy with fraternal twin girls which she said was “very surprising.”
“It’s rare enough to have a uterine didelphys, more commonly known as a double uterus, but even more rare to have a pregnancy in each uterus,” she explained.
She continued, “I had to see the images of the ultrasound myself to believe it.”
Despite her unusual circumstance, Hatcher expressed her optimism over her delivery and plans to be induced on Dec. 22 if both uteri don’t go into spontaneous labor on their own.
“I’ve been extremely blessed and grateful,” Hatcher said.
She continued, “I’ve carried all three of my previous babies to full term, two of the three even to 41 weeks. I have complete faith that this delivery will be great and will continue to beat the odds.”