Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden railed against President Donald Trump for his response to the violence spreading in cities across the nation amid protests against racism and police brutality.
Biden criticized Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in a statement he released on Thursday ahead of the president’s anticipated acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.
The former vice president fired back at Pence after he said, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”
“Did Mike Pence forget Donald Trump is president? Is Donald Trump even aware he’s president? These are not images from some imagined ‘Joe Biden’s America’ in the future,” Biden said.
He continued, “These are images from Donald Trump’s America today. The violence we’re witnessing is happening under Donald Trump. Not me. It’s getting worse, and we know why.”
Biden accused Trump of failing to acknowledge racial injustice as an issue in America, instead, he claimed Trump treats it as a political strategy.
He proceeded to condemn violence, looting, and burning.
“All it does it hurt the communities reeling from injustice – and it destroys the businesses that serve them – many of them run by people of color who for the first time in their lives have begun to build wealth for their family,” Biden said.
Biden went on to argue Trump does not speak out against extremist groups.
He warned Americans that Trump will likely echo Pence’s remarks during his speech tonight.
Biden challenged Americans to remember during Trump’s speech saying, “Every example of violence he decries has happened on his watch. Under his leadership. During his presidency.”
He also predicted Trump would not discuss the coronavirus pandemic and the effects it has had on the lives of Americans and the economy.
The Republican National Convention will resume Thursday night with main speakers expected to take the stage at 8:30 p.m. ET.