Michael Ferrara is a young man from New Jersey who has his sights set on joining the military. As he finishes up high school, he's found a way to honor...
A former police chief in North Carolina apparently thought that he would be better off if authorities thought he was dead, but his plans were foiled and he ended up...
People who work in rescue know it can be hard to find the right situation for a needy, homeless pet, but when the right match comes along, it brings much...
On Saturday, healthcare worker Jennifer Graves got home from her shift around 5:30 a.m. As she approached her home in Parkland, Washington, she noticed something unusual about a neighbor's house....
A couple in Portland, Oregon, experienced a parent's worst nightmare on Friday morning when a man jumped into their running car and took off -- with their 3-year-old inside. It...
As Russian forces continue to press into Ukraine, stories of Ukrainian bravery, patriotism and faith continue to come out the country. One of those stories is from Yaroslav Pyzh, who...
Golden retriever fans love the affable dogs for their warm personalities, undying loyalty and adventurous spirits, but sometimes that spirit can get pups into trouble. Jill Simmons of Falmouth, Maine,...
Most families have a tortured relationship with electronic devices and social media. Older generations often complain that young people are always glued to a screen, and the pandemic didn't ease...
When Sonya Colattur was 10 years old, she recognized a serious need in her community that has turned into an entire movement. "I grew up visiting my grandmother in assisted...
A drought is never a good thing, but for one village in Concello de Lobios, Spain, it's an opportunity for a rare, eerie appearance. As drought ravaged the area, the...
Sophie Enderton has a special place in her heart for people who are fighting cancer. Sophie, a 10-year-old from Niagara County, New York, has seen firsthand the toll that chemotherapy...
As the war between Russia and Ukraine rages, the everyday citizens of both countries have shown what they're made of. Anti-war protests being held in large Russian cities have resulted...
It was a chilly scene that Martin Kolman and his dog, Enzo, came upon last Wednesday just before noon. As the two were out walking in Ogden, Utah, near a...
While many dogs purely provide companionship, there are many that are specifically bred, trained and used for high-level tasks. Guide dogs. Police dogs. Protection dogs. Livestock guardians. Herding dogs. It...