Dana White Reveals Trump’s Response to ‘Quit’ After Assassination Attempt
UFC president Dana White tried to convince President Donald Trump to leave the campaign trail when he was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania in July.
But White soon realized his plea would fall on deaf ears.
“I can’t quit. You don’t ever quit. You never quit,” were Trump’s words to White.
Trump was voted in as president three months later.
White spoke of the assassination attempt and the aftermath Monday night with British journalist Piers Morgan “Uncensored.”
White, who has been a Trump ally for a long time, tried to get Trump to leave the race after that assassination attempt.
“‘Why are you doing this stuff? Stop’. I told him to stop so many times. It’s just like, ‘You have such a good life, and you could do all these other things.’” White told Trump.
However, Trump still had some fight in him and felt his life was spared for a reason.
“But the thing is, with President Trump is he believes in God, and he’s very religious … He believes that, to his core, that God has spared his life to be the President and do the things that he’s going to do over the next four years,” White said.
Then Trump defiantly said those words.
“I can’t quit. You don’t ever quit. You never quit,” Trump said.
White was traveling to Italy when the news from Butler, Pennsylvania, broke. His wife told him the news.
“My wife woke me up and said, ‘They just shot President Trump,’” White said. “I was freaking out, texting the family, and when I landed, I called him, and he was already home from the hospital and unfazed. I mean, unfazed, and everybody wants to talk smack.”
How Trump reacted to the incident impressed White.
“The next day, he went to Milwaukee for the RNC. The next day. I mean, there are people who have been shot at and not killed that won’t leave their house, you know, and then there’s PTSD and lots of different things that can happen to you mentally,” White said “He’s one of the strongest, if not the strongest mentally tough guys that I’ve ever met.
That’s when Morgan seized the opportunity to ask if Trump is among the toughest and strongest fighters in the UFC.
“There’s no doubt about it,” White said.