Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade is pushing back against a sixth-grader who said President Joe Biden is handling the COVID-19 pandemic better than former President Donald Trump.
Kilmeade asked Philadelphia sixth-grader Mason Seder, “What do you miss most about not being in school?”
Seder replied, “I miss, most obviously, seeing my friends and all the after-school activities that I have done. I think we are very, very close getting back to school.”
He added, “I think that the way that our new president is handling things is a very good way, and we would not have gotten to this if it were still the last president.”
Kilmeade fired back at Seder, “Really? That’s hard to believe because the last president was saying I want every kid back in school.”
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Brian Kilmeade to a 6th grader who said he doubted if Trump could handle reopening well: "Really? That's hard to believe. Because the last president was saying I want every kid back in school."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) May 5, 2021
Kilmeade also spoke to California eighth-grader Lilly Rauzon, saying, “Your numbers are the lowest in the country. You should be back in school right now. The danger’s infinitesimal.”
Rauzon told the Fox News host, “I probably haven’t been learning anything since March 13th, 2020.”
He responded, “Don’t blame yourself. Blame your politicians and your unions.”
Biden told NBC he believes K-12 schools “should probably all be open” in the fall for in-person learning.
“Based on the science and the (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), they should probably all be open. There’s not overwhelming evidence that there’s much of a transmission among these people, young people,” Biden said.
Nearly $130 billion has been allocated to K-12 schools to assist students in returning to the classroom. The funding came as part of Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package passed by Congress earlier this year.
Schools can use the funding to reduce the size of classes, update ventilation systems, enforce social distancing, purchase personal protective equipment, and hire staff for support.