Local police had to be called on transgender activists who gathered this week to intimidate an 80-year-old Washington state woman who refused to knuckle under to their radical agenda.
The raucous scene took place Monday in Port Townsend, on the state’s Quimper Peninsula, according to the Peninsula Daily News. It required Port Townsend police as well as Washington state troopers to keep under control.
And it was all because transgender bullies wanted to shut down an elderly woman determined to speak her mind about seeing a man in a woman’s bathing suit with little girls in the women’s locker room of her local YMCA.
Check out the scene here. The crowd starts getting threatening about the 2:25 mark, when banners are torn down in the background:
The saga started back in July in the city of Port Townsend when 80-year-old Julie Jaman found herself in the unwelcome presence of a man in the women’s locker room of the Mountain View pool, a city facility that is operated in cooperation with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA.
Jaman had been a member of the organization for 35 years, but on July 26, she was confronted with a man wearing a woman’s bathing suit in the locker room, according to the Port Townsend Free Press, a conservative news outlet. And she was not alone.
Also in the locker room were little girls who were undressing, the Free Press reported. And Jaman didn’t think it was right.
The elderly woman confronted the man, a YMCA employee who goes by the name Clementine Adams. Adams is a first-year college student, according to the Free Press.
He was escorting the girls, who were taking part in a summer camp at the Y, the Peninsula Daily News reported.
But to Jaman, he was a stranger.
“Do you have a penis?” Jaman asked, according to the Free Press.
“That’s none of your business,” the man replied.
Jaman was so incensed, she told the man, “get out of here right now.”
According to the Free Press, a Port Townsend Police report stated that Jaman reported hearing a man’s voice in the women’s locker room, “and observed what appeared to be a man in a female bathing suit assisting a small female child.”
The police report, according to the Free Press, added that Jaman became angry and “had an emotional response to a strange male being in the bathroom and helping a young girl take off her bathing suit.”
According to the Free Press, the police report added that a person from the YMCA called the police during the incident and said that “Clementine was in the bathroom with a child … and Julie asked if she had a penis and started screaming at her to get out.”
Another call, apparently from that same person, reported that Jaman had been asked to leave but had refused, the Free Press reported.
The YMCA didn’t support Jaman or the girls. Instead, YMCA officials backed up the employee. Jaman was banned from the pool.
Jaman told the Free Press that the YMCA’s aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, scolded her and said she had not “abided by our principles and values.”
The “principles and values” of the YMCA are the law of the land in Washington state: “All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity.”
But Jaman refused to accept that.
The elderly woman told the Port Townsend City Council at an Aug. 1 meeting, “There is no signage informing women the shower room is now all-gender and what that means, nor have parents been informed of what they can expect with these new policies,” according to The Post Millennial.
On Monday, Jaman and her supporters gathered across the street from Port Townsen’s city hall, where they were surrounded by the threatening mob of transgender activists.
She blasted the YMCA for putting women and little girls in potentially dangerous situations.
“The CEO of the YMCA told me ‘pride’ posters are adequate to let people know, women know, what to expect in the shower room known for 60 years as a female only,” Jaman said according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
“One will now encounter men who identify as women undressing and showering with female humans. I object,” she said, adding, “I don’t want to be forced to shower and dress with the opposite sex present.”
But counterprotesters were so loud and violent that Jaman asked someone to call the police.
Port Townsend was intense. They didn’t want to let women speak. They got physical with us but we all spoke. Nobody got hurt or arrested. Men were being bullies. We had to form a protective circle. This was the most aggressive man. #LetJulieSwim #LetWomenSpeak pic.twitter.com/zdPuaqTjm4
— Candace Mercer
Are You OK With This? (@candiomercer) August 16, 2022
“I wish the police were here to keep everybody in order. We’ll have to call the police department. Are we gonna get beaten up here? Can somebody call the police, please,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.
“You can see why it’s so necessary to have safe spaces for women. This is truly an embarrassing subject, biology trumps ideology,” Jaman added. “Privacy, safety, dignity for female human beings is required when dressing and showering no less is acceptable.”
“This is what happens when women try to speak up for our sex-based rights,” said Jaman supporter Amy Sousa, according to The Post Millennial.
Despite the threats of the LGBTQ bullies, the city took the side of the LGBTQ agenda with a proclamation of support it approved Monday.
The proclamation read in part: “the City of Port Townsend values our transgender residents and visitors and urges all residents and visitors to be respectful, welcoming, and kind to everyone regardless of gender identity. I further proclaim that discrimination and prejudice, in any form, especially against transgender people, are unwelcome and have no place in the City of Port Townsend.”
Meanwhile, apparently, transgender activists are free to bully those who maintain traditional views.
Here in Port Townsend to stand with Julie Jaman. Activists surrounded us, pushing and shoving, screaming and stealing our property. One woman had her shoe pulled off her foot. Police had to be asked to come assist. They did nothing until we insisted they uphold boundaries. pic.twitter.com/MPwZIsE6gI
— Gender_Apostate #IStandWithParents ? ? (@gender_apostate) August 16, 2022
According to the Peninsula Daily News, Port Townsend resident Louis Salsbury, accused the transgender bullies of suppressing free speech.
“This was the most disgraceful event of mob rule I’ve seen; physically assaulting people trying to speak their piece, pulling the microphone out of their hand, almost,” said Salsbury, described as a 40-year resident of the city.
“This is not democracy at work. This is mob rule.”
In the end, it is clear that Jaman bravely stood up for her principles and in support of women everywhere, even as the establishment of the YMCA and city officials bow down in support of the radical transgender agenda.
There need to be more Americans willing to stand up for real women like Jaman, a woman ready to point out evil when it is clearly present.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.