As American fast-food chains disengage from the Russian market, Russian business people are apparently developing their own indigenous McDonald's ripoff. "Uncle Vanya," as the Russian restaurant's name goes, features a ...
"The Riigikogu asks the UN member states to take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone in order to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine."
Russia has released a list of four demands it's calling preconditions for ending its invasion of Ukraine. A Kremlin spokesman identified the terms on Monday, according to Reuters. First, Dmitry ...
Events moved fast in Eastern Europe after Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on the Ukraine. Even before Sunday's dramatic escalation with Putin's order to put Russian nuclear forces on ...
A drought is never a good thing, but for one village in Concello de Lobios, Spain, it's an opportunity for a rare, eerie appearance. As drought ravaged the area, the ...