Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. One woman illustrated that last month by setting fire to an oil warehouse after reportedly receiving a negative review from her boss. ...
Earlier this year, a medium-sized dog wandered in the heart and yard of Charity Golloway of Big Stone Gap, Virginia. He was friendly and made it clear that he wanted ...
When people mention spotting a spider, a snake or another creepy crawly in their home, one (mostly) joking reaction is that the place should be burned down. But for one ...
On Wednesday, after the Fox News Christmas tree burned down, Dean Obeidallah had a moment. Several of them, in fact. Obeidallah, for the unfamiliar, is a SiriusXM radio host and ...
A dog named Boo is being hailed a hero after saving owner Mark Morris from what would have been almost certain death. Early Sunday, around 3 a.m., Morris, the former ...
Paul Murphy was out for a jog in Scotts Valley, California, when he came across something that really got his pulse racing: Smoke billowing out of a house. He approached ...
Sometimes, despite their best efforts, pet owners are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to paying for care after serious accidents. Heartwrenching pleas for help ...
When a 3-year-old boy in Flagler County, Florida, woke up from a nap to a house filled with smoke and smoke alarms blaring, he did what many children his age ...
Those of us who have had the pleasure of being the owners of older vehicles know that you have to factor in the possibility of a few more stops along ...
Early on the morning of Sept. 27, Officer David Baker with the Cookeville Police Department in Tennessee and paramedic Justin Remillard met and quickly formed a bond. They now know ...
On the evening of Sept. 4, 11-year-old Mackenzie Jenkins was sitting on a swing outside her Cape Coral, Florida, home when she spotted something suspicious going on at her neighbor's ...
Mark Collum of Rowley, Massachusetts, is a commercial fisherman by trade, but after the events that transpired over the last weekend, he can add "hero" to his job description. His ...
On Aug. 24, 14-year-old Lily Swanson of Leyland, Lancashire, England, was out walking her dog Isobel when she sensed danger brewing. She was close to home, on Hough Lane, when ...
Residents at The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society - Mountain View Manor in Eureka, Montana, were treated to an exciting, unprogrammed event on Aug. 10. Those at the Good Samaritan ...
On Friday, a house in Chandler, Arizona, caught on fire. While owner Andrea Smith was not home at the time, the house was not empty -- there were dogs inside. ...
Maggie is a small, fluffy dog -- perhaps not guard dog material, but she has proven herself to be a lifesaver. She lives with her owner Joel Rosa in a ...
A fire broke out in a home east of Orlando, Florida, while the owner was away Wednesday. There were no people in the home, but there were dogs -- seven ...
A family in Marlboro Township, New Jersey, woke up just before midnight on Sunday and sensed something was wrong. They called 911 at around 11:38 p.m., reporting a "possible fire ...
Flood and fire both visited Ray Lucas' family last week in the Detroit suburb of Eastpointe, Michigan, but thanks to Lucas' bravery and love for his two little girls, neither ...