Tim Tebow went to Congress Wednesday to talk about the need to rescue sexually abused children, saying words were not enough.
“If all we do today is speak, all I do is speak, I also missed the mark. We have to do more than just talk about it. We have to act on it and be about it,” the former football star said at a hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance, according to The Hill.
During his testimony, Tebow read from a letter sent to him by an abuse victim.
“Rescue me. Help me. Monsters are chasing. Can’t you see? Monsters are whispering. Can’t you hear? Monsters are shouting you are nothing. Can’t you feel my pain?” Tebow read.
During the hearing, Tebow called on Congress to establish and bankroll a rescue team to identify and rescue children who are sexually abused and exploited.
Just finished up a great day of meetings, excited for the House Judicial Committee Hearing tomorrow on child sexual exploitation.
The title of the hearing is “Voice for the Voiceless” … pretty cool. We don’t really feel like we can do justice to that, but we’ll try because so… pic.twitter.com/aCHjLu7SZA
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) March 6, 2024
“Just finished up a great day of meetings, excited for the House Judicial Committee Hearing tomorrow on child sexual exploitation. The title of the hearing is ‘Voice for the Voiceless’ … pretty cool,” Tebow posted on X.
“We don’t really feel like we can do justice to that, but we’ll try because so many precious boys and girls need all of us to work together. So grateful for all the prayers!” Tebow posted.
So grateful for the chance to testify this morning before the House Judiciary Committee, meet, and talk with representatives on both sides of the aisle on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people — children who are victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.
Identifying and… pic.twitter.com/gtRTpqxCng
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) March 6, 2024
“So grateful for the chance to testify this morning before the House Judiciary Committee, meet, and talk with representatives on both sides of the aisle on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people — children who are victims of sexual abuse and exploitation. Identifying and rescuing these children is so much more than policy,” Tebow wrote in another post on X.
“Policy is important, but our focus has to stay on people. They deserve our best because God set the example and gave His very best, His son Jesus,” Tebow posted.
Viewer Discretion Advised: “Voice for the Voiceless” House Judiciary Committee Hearing Testimony on behalf of child sexual abuse victims
Last night, I got a message from a girl who has been rescued and she said, “thank you so much for speaking up for us”…and it was… pic.twitter.com/HabteqT1tQ
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) March 6, 2024
In his prepared remarks, Tebow said the purpose of the foundation he created is to “fight for those who cannot fight for themselves — and that is exactly why we are here today.”
Tebow explained why he works on behalf of exploited children.
“[O]ne day, when I saw people being thrown away because they were born different or looked different, they were being thrown away as less than, as insignificant, as cursed, as trash … God pricked my heart and said ‘Timmy, I have a more important MVP for you to chase. It’s not the most valuable player, it’s the most vulnerable people.’”
Tebow told legislators that at least 50,000 children whose faces were shown in child sex abuse images on file at Interpol were not identified and estimated “there are potentially tens of thousands of American children, included in these images, that are waiting to be identified and rescued from their worst days!”
Tebow’s remarks closed by noting that his proposal is a chance to change lives.
“Most of you came to Congress because you wanted to make the world better, you wanted to help people, you wanted to change things. Today is not about policy or politics, it’s about people. You can change the lives of tens of thousands of children right now,” he said.
“I imagine these children go to bed afraid every night. I imagine they cry themselves to sleep. They are hurting. They probably pray every night for someone to come and rescue them. They think no one is coming to save them. But you can. You can save them.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.