Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is drawing comparisons between supporters being left in the cold at one of President Donald Trump’s rallies and his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Just look at what happened last night in Omaha after the Trump rally ended. Hundreds of people including older Americans and children were stranded in sub-zero, freezing temperatures for hours,” Biden said.
He continued, “Several folks ended up in the hospital. It’s an image that captured President Trump’s whole approach to this crisis … He makes a lot of big pronouncements, but they don’t hold up. He gets his photo op, and then he gets out. “
“He leaves everyone else to suffer the consequences of his failure to make a responsible plan. It seems like he just doesn’t care much about it, and the longer he’s in charge, the more reckless he gets. It’s enough,” Biden added.
Biden noted the coronavirus has taken more than 220,000 American lives.
Watch his remarks below:
Joe Biden slams Pres. Trump after rally attendees were stranded in the cold for hours in Omaha: “He leaves everyone else to suffer the consequence of his failure to make a responsible plan"
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 28, 2020
Biden mentioned a CNN interview featuring White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.
During his appearance on “State of the Union,” Meadows said, “We’re not going to control the pandemic,” as IJR previously reported.
Biden argued the Trump administration has “just given up.”
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) told reporters on Sunday the Trump administration is “admitting defeat,” as IJR previously reported.
Biden released a statement and claimed, “They’ve given up on their basic duty to protect the American people.”
He continued, “This wasn’t a slip by Meadows. It was a candid acknowledgment of what President Trump’s strategy has clearly been from the beginning of this crisis: to wave the white flag of defeat and hope that by ignoring it, the virus would simply go away. It hasn’t, and it won’t.”
Meadows responded to Biden’s comments the following Monday.
“The only person waving a white flag along with his white mask is Joe Biden,” Meadows said.