President Donald Trump had his first official interview in the Oval Office Wednesday and reflected on his return to the White House after four years of the Biden administration.
During an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Trump said he plans on taking America back, noting former President Joe Biden’s botched policies including his mishandling of U.S. inflation, the abrupt removal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan which essentially turned the country back over to the Taliban within hours, and the war in Ukraine
Trump said if he had of taken the presidency back in 2020, none of that would have happened, and further took aim at the “radical left” and their failed policies.
“It showed us a couple of things, it showed us the radical left, their philosophies and policies are horrible,” Trump said, “They don’t work. You look at crime and what’s gone on at the border … I think we got there just in the nick of time … we have terrorists in our country by the thousands, we have murderers in our country by the tens of thousands.”
Trump told Hannity once Biden took office, countries emptied their prisons of their worst criminals, and sent them to the U.S.
“If you look at Venezuela, their crime rate is down now by 78% because they took their street gangs and they moved them into the United States, and we’re seeing this in Colorado and Los Angeles and some other places, and we’re gonna take care of it.” Trump said.
Hannity noted the Trump administration is inheriting many problems left behind from Biden’s administration, to which Trump replied all the problems facing America now, are able to be solved with time, effort, and funding.
“All solvable problems, with time, effort, money, unfortunately, but they’re all solvable,” Trump said, “We can get our country back. But if we didn’t win this race, I really think our country would have been lost forever.”
Trump pointed out that it never crossed his mind that he would not be back in office one day and noted he just “got it done.”
“It’s something I don’t think about … I just do it; I get it done. I get things done, I’m good at getting things done and I set my mind to it. As you know we had a great election in 2016, I had a much better election in 2020,” Trump said, adding he ran for a third time because he knew he had the support of voters.
Watch the interview below:
When speaking on the sweeping pardons issued by Biden, including preemptive pardons to former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci. Trump noted, however, that Biden gave everyone a pardon except for himself.
“This guy went around giving everybody pardons, and you know the funny thing, maybe the sad thing, is he didn’t give himself a pardon, and if you look at it, it all had to do with him,” Trump said.