Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin is receiving support after a video of her partying went viral.
On Wednesday, a video of Marin dancing and partying with her friends made its rounds on social media.
In case you missed it:
Finland’s Prime Minister @MarinSanna is in the headlines after a video of her partying was leaked today.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) August 17, 2022
She has previously been criticized for attending too many music festivals & spending too much on partying instead of ruling.
The critics say it’s not fitting for a PM.
Critics on Twitter did not hold back on their comments about her actions.
Finnish Parliament member Mikko Kärnä tweeted, “Just for the sake of the discussion in public, it would be wise if the Prime Minister [Marin Sanna] voluntarily went through a drug screening, the results of which would be made public by an independent body.”
He added, “The people are also allowed to expect this from their prime minister.”
Aivan jo pelkästään julkisuudessa käytävän keskustelun takia olisi viisautta, mikäli pääministeri @MarinSanna kävisi omaehtoisesti huumeseulassa, jonka tulokset julkistettaisiin riippumattoman tahon toimesta.
— Mikko Kärnä ???? (@KarnaMikko) August 18, 2022
Kansalla on myös lupa odottaa tällaista pääministeriltään. #jauhojengi
However, others were quick to point out she has every right to have fun.
One user wrote, “It raises the standard for all complete hot messes and I appreciate that.”
It raises the standard for all complete hot messes and I appreciate that
— Jade Azim (@JadeFrancesAzim) August 18, 2022
Another tweeted, “I would love to know the people trusted with leading our country into the future are actually pretty normal. I’d feel they’ve got a grasp of what’s actually important.”
The tweet continues, “A night being goofy with friends is infinitely better that a $2000/plate schmoozefest with the wealthy.”
I would love to know the people trusted with leading our country into the future are actually pretty normal. I’d feel they’ve got a grasp of what’s actually important.
— Pete Woods, average person (@thatpetewoods) August 18, 2022
A night being goofy with friends is infinitely better that a $2000/plate schmoozefest with the wealthy.
Check out more tweets below:
I don’t understand the critics in the comments. Being a Prime Minister stops you from partying with friends? Some countries would do anything to have the Finland ?? PM as their leader.
— Adewale Adetona (@iSlimfit) August 18, 2022
At these parties – did she tell her supporters to storm Helsinki’s capital? Did she make plans to invade a peaceful foreign country? Disappear her political rivals?
— MJ Banias (@mjbanias) August 18, 2022
No? She just…partied? Oh…well- I mean. Where was my invite?
Imagine living in a country where the big political scandal is how cool your PM is.
— Helen Kennedy ? (@HelenKennedy) August 18, 2022
I wish our elected leaders would spend more time on partying instead of ruling
— Jared Dillian (@dailydirtnap) August 18, 2022
I am dreaming of such top news in Ukraine. Really jealous for Finland to have such a Prime Minister and such scandals.
— Daria Kaleniuk (@dkaleniuk) August 18, 2022
Shocking stuff altogether.
— Dr Panti Bliss-Cabrera (@PantiBliss) August 18, 2022
Woman Enjoys Herself At A Party With Friends In Her Free Time
Marin reportedly commented on the video Thursday, according to the BBC.
“I danced, sang, and partied – perfectly legal things. And I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve seen or known of others [using drugs],” she said.
Additionally, she told reporters she had “not used drugs” and had “no problem taking tests.”
Marin continued, “I have a family life, I have a work life and I have free time to spend with my friends. Pretty much the same as many people my age.”
The prime minister explained, “I am going to be exactly the same person as I have been until now and I hope that it will be accepted.”